7 Indian Hair Care Secrets to Get Shiny, Thick Hair


7 Indian Hair Care Secrets to Get Shiny, Thick Hair

A. Finish with a cold rinse

Using hot water in the shower dissolves fatty lipids that damage your skin and hair. Cold water is much better for your hair than hot because when you rinse your hair with hot water, you wash off the nourishing oils. Warm water is good only for the shampooing phase, Indian hairstylists say. Colder water is for the conditioning phase. Finish with a cold rinse to lock in moisture.

B. Daily receives a 4-nanometer crown massage. 

Ayurvedic recommends a warm oil painting head massage to boost hair strength and growth. still, specialists add that 4 twinkles of crown massage per day for 24 weeks showed a positive result. still, keep making them totally, If you exercise head massages by yourself. 

C. Use the right oil painting for your crown 

Each crown requires specific care since dandruff and blankness are two distinct problems. So, if your head skin is bothered it’s better to avoid products that can dry it more. Then's what you need for different types 
- for a dry, itchy crown use aloe 
- for an unctuous crown use bomb and neem 
- for a bothered crown, use rose and sandalwood combined in a light complexion 
 - to cool the crown use henna mixed with nutrient-rich canvases 

D. Use cold water combined with ambrosial floral additives.

We’ve already talked that using cold water for rinsing your hair is much better than warm water, but Indians also recommend adding floral ingredients that may calm irritated skin, including the scalp, and leave a pleasant scent:
- rose petals
- jasmine buds
- honeysuckle
- hibiscus
You can make a tincture with the florals in hot water, then leave it to sit and cool down.

E.  After the procedure, avoid blow-drying your hair.

Indians also advise against blow-drying your hair after any type of treatment since it limits the results. Just let your hair dry naturally. Pre-washing your hair will also help the mask work better on your hair.

F. Have 20 twinkles of rest after a crown massage 

Ayurvedic specialists recommend a warm oil painting head massage, but you also need some time to rest before you go to the shower. Specialists say about 20 twinkles before washing. also to a crown massage, you can add a neck and shoulder massage. 

G. Use green tea for your hair

Green tea is an important drink to detox your body but it also has the same effect on your hair. Experimenters prove that it stimulates growth. You can mix green tea grease paint with rose water to make the formula more and produce a scent. 
How should I cleanse my hair, in your opinion? How frequently do you do hair treatment at home?

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